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Saturday, May 12, 2012

I just finished my fourth Nicholas Sparks novel and this one actually had a great twist at the end of it.

I mean, I’ve read three of his other books and thoroughly enjoyed them all but this one had a great twist at the end. I never used to read much before, butThe Last Song caught me when I saw it in theaters. My bestfriend, at the time, had read the book so I accompanied her to the theater and a little nudge to read it and I was lost in a sea of literature. I read it in two weeks or something, which is amazing for me… probably longer then two weeks. Anyways, then I read The Guardian when I was away in Hawaii and then The Lucky One in two nights and then a few weeks to read Safe Haven. Anywho, I’ll be back in Chapters in a few days to purchase myself another imaginary world with characters that I can learn from. I’m left with a weird feeling right now, could be hunger but maybe it’s just a pit of loneliness. I suppose I’m unsure. There is alot of stress built into bricks of frustration that keep bruising me and leaving me in tears lately and I guess that I’d rather get lost in somebody else’s terror then turn around and face my own troubles. I’d rather believe in miracles, knights in tin foil, and all those cheesy quotes that roll off the tongue at the right time. I’d rather strain my eyes making sense of the words that a stranger wrote to make billions of dollars. I’d rather believe in the little things, the little things that build cities of laughter. I’d rather believe in love.

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