I feel so suffocated by the tension; a dense cloud of confusion and hatred. The love is lost over shouts and worrying, over the labored attempts to help somebody and the cries to be heard. The coat of damage that cannot be simply washed away like nail-polish, only cracked and chipped away permanently so not even a manicure can fix its fraud. A dungeon of trapped memories, withheld forgiveness and longing for peace. Angels that come and go without ever sustaining happiness for the poor, angels that wither about until they are chased off. Demolished appetites, busted up toilets and fractured shower spouts; proving only that even the inanimate objects get carried away in this rustled up parade of wrath. A duty to carry on and a heroic act to be sewn, if only enough thread existed for this merchants plea. Will this ever change? Disputes over the worthy leader only dusting up pockets and rummaging through purses as coughed up words are no longer heard. This uproar of questions and answers and deadlines and lost faith in familiar faces. This is so confusing, so difficult, so suffocating. This is just so worthy of a tear that one cannot swell in the pupil as the fire burns on, evaporating personal doubt and draining the opponent. If only it could all burn and dry up, if only more people could see how gone it all really is, a breath of fresh air only dreamed of. Ablaze, smoked, hand-crafted disappointment. This execution of dreams shattered as the house crumbles upon the sand, all confusion, all doubt, all longing. This is where the windows break and the smoke leaches out to smother, stifle, and strangle the opposing evil. The battlegrounds… now active.