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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's a world on it's axis that cannot be turned.

The disappointment, the failure, the regurgitated doubt. The waiting, the pondering, the forecast of rain when there’s only drought. It seems that, whether you like it or not, all things come in waves. One day you’ll be satisfied with your job, your school, and your friends and the next you wanna clean the slate and start all over. It’s terrifying to realize that such a large hand can only hold so few things tightly, few things dear. It’s humiliating to suggest that we should all live alone when we are so dependent on “the one” but yet human nature is nothing to be embarrassing about. We all live our own lives only to intermingle with others along the way, share our passions, our fears, and our lovely thoughts. We share touch, smell, sound, looks, and taste. We colonize into cultures and invite others to join in, introducing places and reoccurring interests. Our world is a mere bundle of ants, running around carrying things and looking busy until somebody forces us to stop with one simple glance, our soul-mate. Somebody that you might hate at first and come to love, or love so dearly that you’re forced to loosen your hold. We all need this person, somebody in our lives to carry us, like ants and their hoarding for Winter. We are only storage, storage for our friends, family, and lovers. We hold their things for a little while or as long as we can and eventually we give/take them back and move on with our lives. Sometimes we give a simple brick and get back a house and other-times we only gain back the dust from the building plans. It’s horrifying, scary, and with no alternative, risky. However, this is life and life goes where life wanders and does what life does and we’re just ants trying not to get stepped on. Just ants, ants trying to carry one another or dig our own hole. We are not much but a mere bundle but we still matter. Everything. Matters.

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