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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I suppose September was meant to be busy, I just thought it'd be a little more exciting.

My new job has been working out alright considering I have a decent attitude towards it once I show up for work. I have been getting 24hours a week and a good staring wage at $9.75 an hour, everybody is nice and such like I’ve been saying. Now I’ve added on a new school, Douglas College, and today I had my first class and it went quite well. I was up and ready by 230pm and got to my school just fine and got an iced capp and met this girl named Amy and than it turned out she was in my Woman’s Studies class so we attended that together. At 730pm I was finally on my way home and got McDicks and than half relaxed. Tomorrow I’ll be up at 8am to attend two classes at school which will lead me to 2pm and than I chill for 2hours before a 6hour shift at Safeway from 4-10pm. This is a bit much at this time in my life, and still I look at it as if I’m missing something, as if something else needs to change drastically. I already have a new job, new school and a handful of new friends. I just can’t piece it all together yet, something really important is invisible. It’s as if I’m searching for something I’ve never seen. Searching without the use of any geographic device to tell me where the fuck I am or where the fuck I need to go. I’m so lost even though my life is so average.

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