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Monday, September 26, 2011

Life has been interesting to say the least.

Well it seems that I’ll be getting my own dog. My sister volunteers at a horse rescue and the woman she works with, Julie, has a dog named Cowboy and we’ve babysit him and everything and we all know Julie. Now, Cowboy has a brother that’s only 6weeks old right now but from the same parents and he needs a home. He’s a little brown poodle x shih tzu and my mom saw a picture of him and decided that we’re taking him. He gets to sleep in my room and everything and pretty much be my dog. I can’t wait to meet him and take care of him, I fucking love dogs and it’s been 3 years since my last dog died and I still think of her. She was an english cocker spaniel and her name was Belle, she died of a tumor in her gums and the cancer spread to her lungs and she passed away when she was ready, not before. I’ve been waiting 3 years to have another, like I thought I’d have to wait till mid-twenties till I had a house of my own but I think my mother understands how dear this is to me and that’s why she’s allowing this. I can’t fucking wait to come home to a dog of my own, this couldn’t mean much more than it does. It’s the happiness that swells in your heart and feels like sunken butterflies and that your soul is smiling, it’s when you cry when you hear the news because you’ve waited so long for something to fill this on-going void. I can’t express myself any much more than tears, I’m just so utterly proud.

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