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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Completely and utterly without a map; Lost.

The road darkens as the sunshine replenishes itself behind the mountains and the moon glows upon the many shattered stars, still shining, still awaiting the perfect wish. Trees smeared into black shadows trail the sides of concrete as their roots crack into sudden dips and potholes, fighting to gulp the last of the puddles water. Water rippling out like magic as small pebbles attempt to anchor themselves and end up getting spat out behind the tires to drown amongst hollow screams. Raindrops attacking the windshield as they pool up and drain down like tears from broken hearted teenagers and lost puppies. This midnight road, this black path. The timing so in-sync, so connected and so weary with my thoughts; scrambled. Windows rolled up as a breath of air being exhaled soon became a cloud of shivers and the chill crawled all down the seatbelt. A quick turn into the darkness and the headlights beamed on fog, an entire layer of smoldering heat, a low laying cloud of ash, a smoke barricade. The road to home was blocked by fire, flames as high as two story buildings and as thick as wool. Flames gasping to inhale every inch of oxygen to digest into a larger demon, a small town demolished by hell. The car, moving to fast, became light feathers of bones and flesh as they sunk off the cliff and buried themselves beneath natures corpse. This night, this hour, this was the end of this road.

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