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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Men and Woman can both be amazing partners, couples, husbands and wives. It depends on your lifestyle, it depends on your expectations, it depends on the timing… but at the same time, none of that matters. When you really truly care about somebody than what Nicholas Sparks wrote rings true, maybe not everyday, maybe he’ll forget and you’ll fight and things will go wrong but in the end, your knight in shining armor is just the man that falls for you back. Words, actions, and planning… nahh, the look says it all. I think girls get their expectations up so high about men because of these love stories and movies, however, I don’t think they are wrong or stupid for thinking so. Men can also have expectations and want more of us, it can go both ways it just seems that woman are more subjected to it. It’s all in the opinion but their is no harm in being a dreamer, no harm in watching romances and wanting one for your own, it’s why we live. Never give up on your prince charming, because I do believe one exists for everybody, they might not be what you expected but I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

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