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Monday, August 15, 2011

DarkAngel chapter six : Superman.

“Another deed committed, another good deed done right” Sarah thought which soon followed the realization that her wings were folding back inside. “No!” she yelled out of panic as she flew over an alleyway and her wings completely gave out. “Ah!’ Sarah shrieked in a rage of fear as her body flung to the left and then the right of the brick ally like a cloth doll, finally slamming down on a dumpster and rolling onto the ground. Sarah’s eyes were filled with tears as her once splintered middle finger was now pointing up, broken. She was bruised, she was cut, she was tired, she was dizzy and attempting to stand, falling back down to her knees almost instantly and then leaning onto her back for full rest as the world spun. A crunch of a leaf jolted her as she looked up holding her right hand with her left in a conscious` effort to make the pain go away by warming the hand. She looked up to find the man that sat in the diner, glancing down on her, although she was rattled and she was in pain and doses of dizzy kept cycling back, she was calm.

“Looking at me again eh?” he smirked. Sarah simply stayed in the same position of holding her right hand and laying on her back with a blank look on her face as her eyes told stories of fear. The man had the same fohawk and same leather jacket and voice which is how she could tell, but now she got the fill view of who he was. She recognized this mysterious male, his daring blue eyes that stared into the night as though he was going to step off the top of a building. The feeling that all he wanted to do was land in the middle of a genuine bad guy heist, as he wished to grasp the good that was still left to grow. The desire to hand above the towns and cities alongside the night to pursue any midnight glory at hand.

The cargo pants held his muscular thighs and a serrated knife was strapped to the side of his left leg. A flashlight was hidden on the inside of his boot as his pants lay over them. The metal piercing above his right eye, digging into his eyebrow, sparkled off of the moons glistening light. Blue shirt outlining his flawless tone and bulging forearms, matching the color of his eyes in a sea of heroic independence. Black leather jacket still laying on his mountainous shoulder blades. Black hair still spiked in a fohawk form. His eyes were so visible that at times one could see a hint of green, depending on the day and time. The jingle of his dog-tags were the sound of restoring faith as he came to the rescue. No questions asked, no time to thank this man of mystery, only a site to be seen and a man to be pondered.

”Let’s get you up darling” he continued in a deep, scruffy calming tone as he began to put his left arm under her knees and his right under her should blades to lift her. Sarah simply lay as still as ever, cold, scared and as lost of ever. She simply let it happen, she allowed him to pick her up, his warm hands and his aura of safety surrounded her. “I am Nathan Edge” he spoke in his deep, scruffy tone as it echoed within the ally, “and you’re cursed sweetheart.” Sarah gasped wondering how in the world he knew about that curse. He smiled at her as he steadily continued walking in the direction of his house, “I know you’re cursed because I’ve seen it happen, I know you’re trying to help because you can’t let your guilt fill your stomach, and I know how precious you are.”

Sarah just stood at him, wide-eyed and pending the silence, “I, I . .” she stuttered, “I’ve seen you before.” With this attempt to speak, her heart beat ten times faster, as she awaited silence, silence that did not pull through. “Yes, I was the shadow in the park, the carrier at the gas station and the catcher today, you are cursed and so I’ve been watching you.” His voice relaxed at the end as he had found empathy with her among her now year filled pupils. “Superman?” she whispered before burying her head in his chest and falling into subconsciousness again.

Written By: Megan Lizee

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