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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Now everything’s faded, as I walk through the past blind.

Emma: I'm sorry things didn't work out, I wish we could have been friends but you were too damn selfish to understand how much I depended on you. How you weren't there when I was at my worst. You made a choice for the both of us and you tried blaming me for it. Your wrong to think of it as fair because it was far from, I've really been needing you lately but you were gone a long time ago. I miss your house, your mom, your brothers. I miss falling asleep on the couch all the time and cuddling up on your bed to watch movies. I miss sharing clothes and being crazy together. You were one of the most important people I've ever met, one of the greatest friends I could ever ask for. I'm glad your happy with your boyfriend, but I know I don't belong in your life anymore because of that.

Chris: You obviously don't know what it means to have a girlfriend, it means sacrifice and compromise, not because you have to but because you want to. You should have wanted to sit beside me at Graduation instead of leaving me in the dark and running off to your friends. You never let me know that you were doubting us, all the while I was picturing our Summer together. I shouldn't have had to walk a town over in flip flops to get dumped on your doorstep a week before Grad because you didn't want a commitment any longer. I hope your next girlfriend crushes you, in a way you'll never forget. I still miss you but it's easier when I don't see you. I don't know if I could ever truly hate you but I try to. I suppose your just meant for some happy-go-lucky girl that never has bad news to tell you, I guess I'm just the devil to you. Sorry I upset you.

You motherfucker, really? I knew you for 5years, we were in love and than became successful bestfriends and you stopped hanging out with me in the blink of an eye because somebody fucking told you to? You are such an asshole. I hope you regret it, I hope something happens and you wish you could come to me for it. I really hope you realize this was a big mistake.

Jessica: Bitch. You are a lying, unjustified little dink. You have no right to take people out of my life just because you don't have the backbone to tell me what you truly think. I'm glad your leaving this town, I don't ever wanna see you again. We used to be tight and I used to tell you everything and I even started to believe that you weren't saying anything behind my back at some-point. However, you were always saying shit behind my back cause if you didn't have the backbone to say so, you obviously didn't have it in you to stand up for me. Your a liar, and that's all I think of you.

Erin: I can't even believe a word you say anymore and although you were there for some important things you also stood by as girls gossiped about me and you agreed. Thanks bud. I obviously can't trust a word you say anymore and because of that I've simply shoved you out of my life. I'm sorry but our friendship is fried. We've both changed and it doesn't mix. Thanks for being there, and at one point you were the only one, but I just can't pretend anymore.

Haley: In all honesty, I only ever missed you. I was only ever mad because all I wanted to do was walk to 7-11, play Nazi Zombies and have sleepovers every now and than with you. I just missed what we used to have. We were really tight bestfriends for awhile there and then you went out to parties and denied me when I planned to hangout with you. I don't blame you for everything and I know it was my fault too but somewhere in all those cancelled plans I stopped trusting you and I can't keep pretending our friendship it still there like it used to be. I wish it was different but trust takes years to yearn and seconds to break.

It's never easy saying goodbye and as hard as it is being so alone, I know none of these relationships could be repaired. They would never try that hard to keep me in their lives, and I probably wouldn't let them anyway.

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