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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This is reality, this is life.

I finally understand how dire it is to be yourself and stand alone in that. I finally understand how crucial it is that we all lead our own lives, however lonely that road may be. I finally understand why I was put through so many goodbyes, because they were never good enough for me. It’s obvious that those people didn’t belong in my life. I deserved better from them and they never met me halfway. I have only become stronger since than and determined how strong I can really be. I am so much better off today than I was a few years ago, I was in the wrong place than, but today my feet are firmly planted and I realize what I have to do. I’ll only get stronger from here because I now trust myself to be there and that’s all I ever needed. I’m alot stronger than I thought and it’s amazing when you find out what your potential actually is. This is reality, this is life.

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