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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Well this afternoon I was all set up to tan like usual on my patio but than the phone rang. It was the Flying Wedge calling for an interview with me, THANK GOD. I have been handing out resumes for awhile now and it makes you tired and not very optimistic but today that changed. I went for my interview at 4:15pm and from my perspective it went rather well. The lady was interested in my cake decorating skills because apparently that helps with arranging the sauces on the pizzas. I hope this works out because lately I really need to get my ass in gear and save my money. I need car insurance money and a new stereo, it’s all about the car for me but it’s one of my most important things I own. I love my car and there is nothing wrong with that, hopefully I get the job and can once again start my savings.

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