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Monday, July 11, 2011

Wow, and I still wonder why I never leave my house? HOW?

A friend plans for the gym over the weekend, both days cancelled. A friend plans to see a movie with me and than decides she needs to get a good sleep. A friend says how sick she is and than another says she is meeting up with her, wow. Plans for Playland and all of a sudden everybody works, :O even when it was planned in advance… now that’s just sad and inconvenient. A big group of friends decides to go to White Rock tomorrow and than a few can’t go and all of a sudden there is no point in going. Holy fuck, I am just a bitter bitch lately and all this does is give me more reasons. I just want a cute boy and a job, is that really too much to ask? This Summer has been yet another Summer with a massive emptiness dealing with getting over somebody. I’m sick of all of it.

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